We bought this Moroccan shirt for Emma at Disney when she was three months old. Now, at almost 15 months, she can wear it. This would be fun for her to wear if we went to the ren faire this summer, which I hope we can do.
The last month has been very busy. First we went to Maryland. This is the home of Thomas Stone, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
This is Schifferstadt, a Palatine German house built around 1756 in Frederick, Maryland. If you have a chance to go, definitely visit this house. It is one of the best house museums I've been to as the house itself is so well preserved, and has some remarkable features including a vaulted cellar.
Then we went to Massachusetts, where I made a trip to Maine because I could. The lupine were in bloom, and here they are.
I also went to the Saugus Ironworks, where my friend Neil Trubowitz is working as a guide. I found this out when I saw him walking up the path, so that was a nice surprise. The park has been recently refurbished, and is really nice.
Naturally, I have about a thousand pictures from my two trips, mostly of colonial sites. I've been preparing for my course at Ithaca College this fall, which has been both rewarding and educational even though I've been studying colonial society for a very long time.