Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A clean bill of health.

Laurie and I went to meet our new doctor today. Our health insurance company changed, and my doctor changed from general practice to specialized research, so it was time. The doctor listened in a way that was rare for what I've seen from doctors, and he was excellent. The main thing I had done in terms of an actual check-up was a screening for melanoma or suspicious moles on my skin. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary, and we got some tips to wach for: Asymmetry, Border (irregular), Color (2 or more), Diameter (more than 0.5 cm), and Elevation (raised moles with an uneven surface). None of the moles I have exhibit these, so all is well. The rest of the check-up went fine, with the not-to-surprising advice of getting more exercise.

This exam was very encouraging for me, since I got a note from my boss that her husband, another archeologist, has been given a prognosis of 3-4 months to live after a long fight with melanoma. I know how hard this is going to be, and all my best goes out to them and their family.


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